Sometimes eating hot food in a hurry or drinking hot drinks like tea or coffee can burn a person's tongue. Which later become the cause of blisters or pain on the tongue. Due to a burnt tongue, it becomes difficult for a person to eat or drink anything. If you have also faced this kind of problem, then next time do not forget to follow these home remedies to get instant relief from this problem.

Ice Cream-
Ice cream can be consumed if the tongue is burnt due to hot chilies or hot food. Ice cream will reduce the swelling of the tongue and relax the tongue. For this, you take small bites of ice cream. Do not eat it immediately by keeping it in the mouth, but keep it on the tongue till it melts. This gives relief to a burning sensation.

Honey intake-
Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which are extremely helpful in reducing irritation. Put a spoonful of honey in your mouth and let it stay in the mouth for a while before swallowing. To get rid of ulcers quickly, keep it in the mouth like this two-three times.

Chewing gum-
Chewing gum with peppermint will cool your tongue and make you feel comfortable. They act quickly to make sputum in the mouth so that the mouth will always be wet and will get relief from pain.

Curd -
Curd is one of the best home remedies to treat a burnt tongue. It has cooling properties. Eat a spoonful of curd immediately after burning the tongue. Take a spoonful of curd and place it on your tongue for a few minutes before swallowing.

Mint intake-
Peppermint contains menthol properties that numb the inflamed area and reduce inflammation. The antibacterial properties present in mint protect the skin from damage. You can apply mint toothpaste on the burnt tongue, by doing this you will get relief.