There is only one way to avoid the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, and that is caution. A subvariant of Omicron BF.7 (Omicron subvariant BF.7) started causing havoc and hence WHO has issued some guidelines. This fast-spreading virus has the ability to infect 10 to 18 people.

BF.7 is a sub-variant of the original Omicron, which is affecting people who have had both booster doses. To avoid this, it is necessary to follow the rules related to corona- The World Health Organization (WHO) has given some rules, including wearing masks, which can be helpful in preventing corona. WHO has once again emphasized using masks to suppress the transmission of the virus and save lives, but has also given some other rules.

This is also necessary with the mask

To avoid any variant of Corona, there should be some special vigilance along with the mask. For example, physical distancing, avoiding crowds, washing your hands and covering your mouth when coughing, and keeping rooms well-ventilated.

How to wear a mask

  • Wash your hands before putting on your mask, as well as before and after taking it off and any time you touch it.
  • Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth, and chin.
  • When you take off the mask, store it in a clean plastic bag, wash it every day if it is a cloth mask, or throw the medical mask into the trash.
  • Do not use a mask with a valve.

Disposal of old masks

WHO has advised that masks should be worn at all times during epidemics. In the case of masks, be sure to keep some things in mind such as using them properly, keeping them in the right way and at the right place, taking care of their cleanliness, and disposing of dirty and old masks properly.