The problem of hair fall is common. Many people's hair is very weak, thin, and lifeless. At the same time, the color of the hair also starts to fade before age. The reason for this is a spoiled lifestyle and lack of nutrition in food, which does not provide the necessary nutrition to the body. One of the reasons for the beauty of any person is his hair. In such a situation, both men and women want black and thick hair but are troubled by hair problems.

To reduce hair problems, they use various expensive hair care products. Chemical products are not a permanent solution to prevent hair from turning gray or reduce the problem of hair fall. Excessive use of these can also cause harm. In such a situation, some methods can be adopted at home to make hair black and thick.

First of all, improve your lifestyle and diet. At the same time, make a habit of practicing some yogasanas. People who have complaints of hair fall can do some special yogasanas. Here you are being told about yogasanas that make hair thick.

By practicing Shirshasana, blood flows towards the head in a better way and hair growth is good. People whose hair is falling, lifeless or graying, should practice Shirshasana. Shirshasana can be practiced to reduce stress. To do this asana, bend down while taking both hands behind the head and keep the head down. While balancing the body, take the feet upwards. Standing on the head, balance and become straight.

By practicing Balasana, one can get relief from stomach-related problems and stress. Hair starts falling due to stomach problems and stress. Therefore, Balasana can be beneficial for increasing hair growth and thickening. To do this asana, sit in the posture of Vajrasana by bending the knees. Now take a deep breath while taking the hands upwards. Then while exhaling, bend the body forward. In this position, keep the head on the ground and the stomach on the thighs.

If the hair is turning grey prematurely, there is dryness in the hair and the hair looks thin due to excessive hair fall, then practice Trikonasana. To do this asana, stand with both feet at some distance. Now lift keeping the hands and shoulders in a straight line. Bending to the right, touch the foot with the right hand. During this, raise the left hand towards the sky. Repeat this process from the other side.

Regular practice in Uttanasana can reduce hair problems. To do this asana, stand straight. Now take a long breath and take both hands upwards and exhale. Then take the hands down towards the ground and try to touch the toes.