One of the most important senses of the body is the eyes, which help us experience the beauty of nature. Eyes should be taken proper care of, otherwise, vision starts weakening. At present, the increase in screen time of people has had a deep impact on their eyesight. Using a laptop or mobile throughout the day can cause eye pain, watering, redness, or blurred vision. Eyes are also a reason for headaches while studying or concentrating for a long time. Take special care of them to avoid the problem of poor eyesight.

Avoid the wrong life. If you have to wear glasses due to poor vision, then yoga can be beneficial to increase the light and remove glasses from your life. Practicing yoga does not increase the number of eyes and the vision becomes brighter. Know about the yoga asanas that improve eyesight in the next slides.

Practice of Halasana is beneficial for eyesight. Weight is also controlled by this yoga. The body gets strength. To practice Halasana, first, lie down on your back. While inhaling, lift the legs upwards and take them behind the head. Touching the ground with the thumbs, keep the hands straight on the ground, and keep the waist tight to the ground. Stay in this position for some time and then exhale and come back to the normal position.

This yoga strengthens the waist, improves eyesight, and keeps weight under control. The practice of Chakrasana is also beneficial to get relief from digestive disorders. To practice Chakrasana, lie on your back on the ground, bend your knees, and bring the heels as close to the buttocks as possible. Raise your hands towards the ears and rest your palms on the ground. Lift the body upward using the legs as well as the palms. Pull the body upwards, distributing the weight equally while opening the legs parallel to the shoulders. Stay in this posture for 30 seconds.

This asana is done while sitting in camel posture. Practice Ustrasana under the supervision of a yoga expert. Practicing this provides relief from back pain. Improves body flexibility, relieves fatigue, and improves eyesight. To do this, first of all sit on your knees and while breathing, press the lower part of the spine forward. During this, complete pressure should be felt on the navel. Bend your back and leave your neck loose. Remain in this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

(PC: Freepik)