Yogasana is beneficial for mental and physical health. However, many times people do not have time to practice yoga in the morning. When people come back home from college or the office in the evening, they want to do yoga but are confused about whether doing yoga in the evening or at night will be beneficial. Will it have a good effect? According to yoga science, the day is divided into four parts, Brahma Muhurta, sunrise, noon, and sunset. Although morning is considered the best time to practice yoga, you can do yoga at different times too. Instead of morning, you can also do yoga in Shan. While doing yoga in the evening, you do not face as many problems as you do in the morning. The reason for this is that you do many types of activities throughout the day, due to which the body gets warmed up. After warm up it becomes easier to do yoga or exercise. This also helps in getting good sleep at night and the body gets detoxified well. Let us know which yogasanas can be done in the evening if you do not have time in the morning and what are its benefits.

Paschimottanasana can be easily practiced in the evening. Practicing this yoga improves flexibility in bones and strengthens abdominal muscles. This yoga asana is effective in reducing belly fat and keeping the digestive system healthy. The problem of insomnia and stress also goes away. Paschimottanasana can be practiced to strengthen the back and spine of people who work continuously sitting on a chair in the office even during the day.

People often start having pain in their neck, back, and waist while working in the office. The body becomes stiff. At the same time, women also suffer from fatigue and pain in their legs after a day's work. For such people, practicing Trikonasana in the evening can be very beneficial. The digestive system can also be cured by yoga. To reduce belly fat and obesity, take time out in the evening and practice Trikonasana.

Uttanasana is beneficial for keeping the body's immunity strong. By practicing this asana, the back, waist, calves, and ankles are properly stretched, which makes the body flexible helps keep the mind calm, and relieves stress.

Keep these things in mind while practicing yoga in the evening
If you practice yoga in the evening, then keep in mind that there should be at least one hour between the time of doing yoga and the meal. Doing yoga immediately after eating food can cause stomach aches or indigestion. One should eat something only after one hour of yoga.
There is also a rule of drinking water while doing yoga in the evening. Drink water for half or an hour before practicing yoga. One should not drink a lot of water before, during, or immediately after yoga. If you feel very thirsty, you can drink two to three sips of water but do not drink more than that.
If you want to do yoga in the evening, then the perfect time is between 3 to 5 o'clock. Because if you do yoga for too long, you fall asleep immediately after the practice, due to which the body does not get any benefit.