A protruding stomach can cause many health problems. Due to the hanging stomach, the look looks bad, there is also discomfort regarding the clothes. People try to reduce belly fat by various methods ranging from diet to sweating it out in the gym, although this process is not easy.

Most people look for ways in which belly fat can be reduced quickly with less effort, but such measures can also affect health. Yogasana is the best option to reduce belly fat. According to health experts, this problem can be overcome by reducing the hanging belly by practicing some yoga asanas. Let us know the effective yoga asanas to reduce belly fat.

Plank pose
This asana is called Falakasana. The practice of plank pose helps in reducing belly fat. Calories Burned Practicing Plank Yogasana.

How to do Plank Yogasana
For the practice of this asana, coming in the position of Uttanasana, take the right and left leg backward. While lifting the body on the palms, give full weight on the toes. Keeping the body straight, stay in this position for about 40 to 60 seconds. After that, bend your knees and keep them on the ground, and rest for some time.

Bhujangasana can be practiced to reduce belly fat or lose weight. The abdominal muscles are strengthened by the practice of this asana, due to which the fat around the abdomen is easily reduced. Cervical complaints and spinal cord problems improve.

How to do Bhujangasana
Lying on the stomach, keeping the palms under the shoulders, take a deep breath, and lift the upper part of the body upwards. Stay in this position for about 10 to 20 seconds and then come back to the normal position.

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