The problem of hypothyroidism can occur due to stress. Many health-related complications can occur when thyroid levels increase. The thyroid is a small gland located in the neck, which secretes several essential hormones. These hormones are essential for metabolism, body temperature, and growth. In both cases, increasing or decreasing thyroid levels can cause harm to the body. Yoga gurus consider certain yoga postures to help balance thyroid levels.

Yoga is considered beneficial for overall health. Yoga balances the energy in the body and along with gaining flexibility, one gets relief from the problem of stress. Yoga is considered effective for many serious health problems. Here are the benefits of some yogasanas to control thyroid levels and reduce health problems.

Practice Setubandhasana for thyroid
This asana is also called bridge pose. This yoga asana is beneficial for strengthening the back and spine. Studies have shown that practicing Setubandhasana can reduce thyroid symptoms. To do this asana, lie down on your back keep your feet slightly apart at shoulder width, and bend your knees. Now, while opening the palms, keep the hands straight on the ground and while inhaling, lift the waist part upwards. Exhale and come back to the old position.

Cobra pose
To get relief from thyroid problems, you can practice cobra pose. This asana is considered helpful in stimulating the throat and thyroid. To practice Cobra Pose, lie down on the ground and place your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart. Now while inhaling, lift the chest from the floor and look towards the ceiling. Now bring the body back to the floor. Repeat this yoga.

Cat-Cow Pose
People suffering from thyroid problems should practice Cat Cow. It is beneficial in maintaining continuous blood flow in the throat. To do this asana, first of all, make an animal-like posture with the help of wrists and knees. Take a deep breath and exhale. This yoga should be done daily for 10 minutes.