The nose gets blocked due to cold, allergy, or respiratory problems. Due to the problem of a blocked nose, there is a lot of trouble. Due to a blocked nose, breathing is difficult. Due to this, there may also be pain in the throat. Many times, due to nasal congestion in cold, there are a lot of difficulties while sleeping at night. This problem can happen to anyone from children to elders. Many people take cold medicine for this problem and many adopt home remedies. But some yoga and face exercises can be very beneficial to get rid of the problem of a blocked nose. Yoga cures colds. Immunity is strengthened and health improves. In such a situation, relief can be found from the problem of a blocked nose by three effective Yogasanas. Do facial yoga exercises to open the blocked nose. Here you are being told some easy yoga asanas to open the blocked nose, by adopting which you can get relief from the problem of a blocked nose.

Yoga asanas to open blocked nose
Nose press

If your nose is blocked and there is difficulty in breathing, bend the index finger and press the three points on the nose. In this, the first is to press the beginning of the bridge of your nose, the second in the center, and the third towards the end of the nose. Press with moderate pressure and stay in this pose for 10-15 seconds. This helps in opening the nose as well as shaping the nose.

Nose wing massage
To do this exercise, rotate your nose. After that massage with your index finger for some time. Nasolabial folds can be removed along with curing a blocked nose.

Forehead whips
To get rid of the problem of a blocked nose, massage with the help of fingers around the center of the brow just above the bridge of the nose. Due to a blocked nose, tension starts coming around the face, this exercise removes tension and gives relief from headaches.

Breathing exercise
If your nose is blocked, breathing exercises can also be done to open it.

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