Women often face many problems during the menstrual cycle. Abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, cramps, and mood swings are the symptoms of periods, which are seen in girls every month. However, some women also face menstrual irregularities. Sometimes late or sometimes premature periods can cause many physical problems in women.

Shifting of the menstrual cycle can cause constipation, stress, and unbearable pain. If there is a frequent complaint of irregularity of periods, then talk to the specialist. Apart from this, regular yoga asanas should be practiced to get rid of period-related problems at home as well. Make a habit of practicing these yoga poses to get rid of problems related to the menstrual cycle.

Malasana can be practiced to get relief from menstrual irregularities. For the practice of Malasana, sit on the floor and raise the heels from the ground. While exhaling, place the torso between the thighs and bend the body forward. Keeping both hands folded, place the elbows on the thighs. Then rotate the arms and lift the heels slightly. Come back to the old position.

Women should practice Dhanurasana regularly. To do Dhanurasana, spread the legs by lying on your stomach on the ground. While lifting the legs, hold the ankles with the hands and take a deep breath. Raising the chest and legs above the surface, after staying in this position for some time, rest the body and feet on the floor. After resting for some time, repeat this process.

Practice Ustrasana to get rid of menstrual problems. To do this asana, sit on the floor with your knees bent and keep your hands on your hips. While inhaling, bend the back while holding the feet with the hands. Stay in this position for a minute and then take the back in a straight posture. Now relax the feet and hands.

To get rid of menstrual problems, practice Matsyasana. To do this asana, lie on the ground on the back and keep the hands under the hips. Touching the elbow to the waist, bend both legs and bring the knees to the cross-leg posture. Breathe while keeping the thighs on the floor. While lifting the upper part of the body, move the head backward and rest for some time.

(PC: Freepik)