It is common to have some physical problems in aging. Lifestyle complaints tend to increase with age. Often people have problems with back pain or joint pain, which affects their daily lifestyle. Pain is felt while getting up and sitting. The problem of arthritis has increased rapidly in the last two decades. The problem of arthritis or arthritis is being seen not only in old people but also in young people. To overcome the problem of arthritis, health experts recommend lifestyle modifications. At the same time, yoga has been considered an effective way to get relief from pain in the waist, back, or joints. Some yogasanas help reduce the problem of arthritis. Even though many yoga asanas are beneficial for arthritis, some yogas should not be done by arthritis patients. Joint pain increases by doing some yoga asanas. Let us know which yoga should be done for the problem of arthritis and which yoga should be avoided.

Do not do this yoga in arthritis
Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is done in a smaller form in Vinyasa Yoga practice. Falakasan, Ashtanga Namaskar postures are done under Vinyasa. It is done in a somewhat Arabic style as compared to other yoga. This asana is dynamic, its fast actions make it difficult for arthritis patients to give more time to change the asana. This posture puts pressure on the wrist and joint.

Bikram yoga
Bikram Yoga is also called Hot Yoga. There are many styles involved in this yoga. One session of Bikram yoga can take about 90 minutes. Each session consists of 26 asanas and two breathing exercises. While doing this yoga, the temperature of the room should be 85 degrees. However, people suffering from arthritis should also avoid doing this yoga.

Beneficial yoga for arthritis
Virabhadrasana Yoga

Virabhadrasana is also known as the warrior pose. This asana gives relief from joint pain and back pain. While doing this asana, the posture of the body becomes like mountains.

To do this yoga, lie down on your stomach and bend your knees slightly apart from the width of the shoulders. Now open the palms and breathe keeping the hand straight on the ground. Lift the part of the waist upwards and come back to the old position while exhaling.

(PC: Freepik)