People do not consider Piles as a very serious disease. Of course, it is not fatal, but it can still bother you a lot. Due to this, you may have to face a lot of pain, itching and discomfort.

Once the pain of piles occurs, the person gets upset for several days. This is a disease in which swelling occurs on the inside and outside of the anus. Because of this sometimes wart-like skin is seen outside the anus. Sometimes blood comes out of them. However, this is not necessarily the case every time. Normally a person does not understand what to do when piles occur. So, in this article today, Yoga expert and President of Women's Health Research Foundation, Dr. Neha VashishtKarki is telling you about some such asanas, which will help you to get relief from piles-


PractisingSarvangasana is considered very good when there is a problem with piles. While practising this asana, the supply of blood goes upwards, due to which the part of the anus becomes passive for some time. You can do this asana in Ashwini Mudra, but there should be no pain in piles while doing so.

  • To practice Sarvangasana, first, you lie down on your back by lying on a mat.
  • Now slowly raise both your legs up. Also, try to lift the waist above the ground.
  • Note that you keep your hands under your back so that you can get support while lifting the body.
  • Now try to bring your legs, waist and back in a straight line.
  • Stay in this position for some time and then return to the starting position by bending the legs from the knees.
  • Practice this asana as much as you can.

Opposite posture

Like Sarvangasana, ViparitaKarani Asana can also be practiced to get relief from piles. However, Ashpini Mudra is not made in this.

  • First of all, spread the mat near the wall and lie down on your back.
  • If you are a beginner then this asana can be practiced with the help of a wall.
  • For this, you raise your legs and they can be placed on the wall for support.
  • At the same time, if you want, you can raise your legs by keeping your hands under your waist.
  • If you want, you can also keep a pillow under your head.
  • Stay in this position for some time and then come back to a normal position.

Mountain pose

Parvatasana can also be practiced regularly to reduce the pain of piles. However, when you practice this asana, practice it only by making a proper distance between the two legs.

  • For this, you first lie down on your stomach by lying on a mat.
  • There should be an equal distance between your hands and feet.
  • Also, your palms should be under the shoulders and knees under the hips.
  • Now you slowly raise the hips. When you do this, the shape of your body will become like an inverted V.
  • Now lift the heels above the floor and stay in this position for some time.
  • Finally, you return to a normal state.

So now you also practice these asanas and say goodbye to the problem of piles. However, if you are practicing these yogasanas for the first time, then do them only with the advice and supervision of a yoga expert.

Image Credit – freepik


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