Due to a bad lifestyle, we have to face many health-related problems. By sitting in one place for a long time, our body posture gets spoiled. In such a situation, you can also do yoga regularly to correct body posture.

Balasana - This asana is also known as Child's Pose. To do this asana, sit in Vajrasana. Now lean forward. Extend your hands in front. Keep the forehead on the ground. Stretch your spine. Stay in this position for some time and then come back to a normal position.

Marjariasana - To do this asana, keep your feet and hands on the ground while touching the toes and knees with the floor. Now inhale while raising the neck. After that exhale. Now reverse this step. Lift the spine and turn your stomach inwards.

Plank - This asana is very beneficial for the muscles. To do this asana, lie face down on the ground. Now keep the elbows below your shoulders and rise. Align the body in a straight line from head to toe. Stay in this posture for some time then come back to normal position.

Adho Mukha Svanasana - To do this asana, lie down on the ground on your face. Now keep the palms on the ground. Press while lifting the toes and heels. The knees should not be bent. Stretch the spine. Keep the chin towards the chest. Keep hands and heels firmly on the ground.