To keep the body healthy, it is very important to get complete sleep. But, some people have the problem of not sleeping. Which is also called insomnia. Due to this, there is a lack of energy in your body and you do not get enough sleep. But to get a peaceful sleep, doing 4 yoga asanas is very beneficial. You can do these yoga asanas on the bed before sleeping at night and it will take only 2 to 3 minutes.

4 Yogasanas (Yoga For Better Sleep) are said to be the best to get restful sleep. These yoga poses reduce your tension, relax your mind, and help you fall asleep quickly. It will take only 2 to 3 minutes for you to do all these Yogasanas. Come, let us know about the yoga asanas which help in getting fast sleep.

Adho Mukha Virasana is an important yoga asana to solve the problem of insomnia. To perform Adhomukha Virasana, bend your knees slightly in the Vajrasana posture. After this, keeping the waist and neck straight, keep the gaze towards the front and bring the chest towards the ground. You have to spread both your hands forward and keep them on the ground. Stay in this position for 2 to 3 minutes and feel the tension in the waist and spine. But keep in mind that the body should not bend downwards.

To get a peaceful sleep, Janusirsasana can also be done before sleeping. To do Janu Shirshasan, spread the right leg in front while sitting on the bed. After this, place the left sole near the right thigh or pelvic area. Now bend the lower part of the stomach towards the right knee and bend towards the right paw. You can also do this yoga posture with the support of a pillow to help you fall asleep quickly. You can keep the pillow between the right knee and forehead. Similarly, repeat with the other leg as well.

To cure insomnia, you can do Supta Baddha Konasana before sleeping. It helps in removing stress from your body. To do this, sit on the bed and bring both soles together and bring the ankles towards you as much as possible. Now place a pillow (round pillow) behind the waist on the bed and slowly lie down on the pillow backward. Keep in mind that your chest should be raised upwards and your gaze should be downwards. For this, you can put another pillow under the head.

Vajrasana is a very beneficial yoga posture for getting quick sleep. To do this, sit on your knees on the bed. While sitting, keep in mind that your calves should be towards the outside of the body and spread the claws towards the back. In Vajrasana, keep the waist, neck, and chest in front and take deep breaths for 2 to 3 minutes. If you are having difficulty sitting like this, then you can keep a masnad (round pillow) between the calves and hips.