World Trauma Day 2023: Many accidents happen suddenly in life, which no one even expects. In such a situation, these incidents have an impact on the hearts and minds of people. Many times a person even loses his life due to trauma. A person suddenly gets deep shock due to some incident, this is called trauma. Such as any accident, someone's death, natural disaster, or incident of violence, etc.

World Trauma Day is celebrated every year on 17 October across the world. The purpose of celebrating this day is to make people aware of the causes, symptoms, and prevention measures of trauma. Trauma can affect a person at any age. It affects people both physically and mentally. So let us know the history and importance of this day.

History of World Trauma Day
Celebrating this day started in the year 2011, and since then 17 October has been celebrated as World Trauma Day every year. The purpose of celebrating this day is to make people aware of proper care for a person suffering from trauma. The importance of timely evacuation of a person from trauma during any accident is to be promoted.

Importance of World Trauma Day
To create awareness among people about the causes, symptoms, and prevention of trauma.
Most of the trauma cases occur due to road accidents, hence the main objective of celebrating World Trauma Day is to promote road safety measures. Such as avoiding drunk driving, wearing a seat belt while driving, and following driving rules.
Trauma affects a person both physically and mentally. Therefore, there is an emphasis on providing support and resources to people suffering from this problem.
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