Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. People of almost all ages are found to be its victims. If you think that this is a disease that occurs only with aging, then the figures can prove you wrong. According to the data of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of heart disease is increasing over time. Cases of heart attack in younger people have been increasing at the rate of 2 percent every year for the last 10 years. This is the reason why all people are advised to keep taking measures to prevent heart disease.

Do you know that not only the elderly or adults, but children can also fall prey to this serious health problem? Not only this, but in some, the problem of congenital heart diseases is also seen, that is, children cannot be considered safe from this problem.

World Heart Day is celebrated every year on 29 September to raise awareness about heart disease and related diseases and educate people about its prevention. Let us know why this problem occurs in children.

Congenital heart disease in children

Congenital heart defects are problems related to the structure of the heart with which the child is born. In some cases, it does not require treatment while some conditions can be complicated, which may require surgery. Cognitive heart disease (CHD) can cause many problems.

Valve disorders, such as narrowing of the valve which obstructs blood flow.

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, in which the left side of the heart is underdeveloped.

Disorders related to the hole in the heart.

Why does this problem occur?

During the first six weeks of pregnancy, the baby's heart and main blood vessels form, and the heart starts beating. Congenital heart defects can develop at this stage of the child's development. Researchers believe that these problems can be more due to changes in genes, side effects of certain medicines or health conditions, and environmental or lifestyle factors such as the mother's smoking habit.

Rubella infection during pregnancy can cause changes in the child's heart development.

These problems can also occur due to poor blood sugar control before and during pregnancy.

Drinking alcohol or smoking during pregnancy also increases the risk of congenital heart defects in the child.

How to identify it in children?

Health experts say it is important to identify heart diseases in children in time so that they can be treated properly and complications can be reduced. Some symptoms should be paid serious attention to.

Not being able to keep up physically with other children.

Becoming breathless quickly due to playing or other physical activity.

Becoming sweaty quickly due to physical activity.

Frequently fainting, and having difficulty breathing.
Heartbeat is low or high.

What do experts say?

Health experts say, apart from congenital problems, many risk factors for heart disease are also being seen increasing in children. Increasing obesity, physical inactivity, and the habit of eating junk-fast food in children can increase the risk of serious problems like blood pressure and cholesterol at an early age. It becomes very important for children to play outside, keep their weight low, and pay attention to their diet.

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