The risk of diabetes is increasing for people of all ages. In the last few years, it has been seen that apart from people under 40, children can also be at risk of diabetes. Keeping such danger in mind, it becomes necessary for all people to keep protecting themselves from this serious disease. Researchers found that lifestyle disturbances, especially physical inactivity, significantly increase the risk of developing diabetes and its complications. Health experts say that to prevent such problems, including yoga asanas in the daily routine can be a better option.

World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on 14 November to alert people about the increasing risk of diabetes globally and increase awareness about the necessary precautions to prevent it.

Researchers found that if some yoga exercises are included in the daily routine along with other measures in the management of diabetes, then special benefits can be obtained from it. Let us know about some such exercises which can be helpful for you in reducing the risk of diabetes. People of all ages must practice yoga asanas regularly.

Dhanurasana (Practice of Bow Pose)
Health experts consider the regular practice of Dhanurasana yoga to be very beneficial to preventing diabetes or reducing its serious complications. This yoga can be beneficial in strengthening the pancreas and improving its functions along with better stretching of the body. The pancreas is an organ that produces the hormone insulin. Apart from this, special benefits can also be found in strengthening the stomach muscles, promoting digestion, and maintaining proper blood circulation through yoga.

Benefits of Viparita Karni Yoga
Viparita Karani Yoga is also known as Legs Up the Wall Pose, which can be beneficial for the body in many ways. This exercise is also helpful in stimulating the pancreas and stomach organs. This posture can play an important role in controlling blood sugar levels. Practicing this yoga regularly can also be beneficial in controlling blood pressure improving blood circulation and maintaining better energy levels. The practice of Viparita Karani Yoga is considered beneficial for the body in many ways.

Make a habit of Paschimottanasana Yoga
The practice of this yoga, which involves bending forward while keeping the legs straight, is considered beneficial for diabetes patients in many ways. This yoga can have benefits in toning the abdominal and pelvic organs and maintaining good posture. The practice of Paschimottanasana yoga helps in preventing blood sugar from rising, it has also been shown to have special benefits in stress management. People of all ages can get special benefits by doing this yoga.

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