Along with keeping the body fit, the bicycle is a great means to keep the environment clean. Cycling increases physical activity, which reduces weight, improves heart health, and strengthens muscles. Apart from this, the bicycle is a suitable and green mode of transport to protect the environment from getting polluted. It is beneficial for the environment. World Bicycle Day is celebrated to make people aware of the importance of bicycles.

This day is celebrated to recognize the bicycle as a healthy, economical, and environmentally friendly mode of transport. Know about the history and importance of World Bicycle Day through this article.

History of World Bicycle Day
World Bicycle Day is celebrated on 3 June. This day was recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 2018. It started with Turkmenistan, which proposed to celebrate this day, which was later passed unanimously. The initiative was aimed at promoting cycling globally and highlighting its benefits.

Importance of Celebrating Bicycle Day
Health Benefits

Cycling is a great physical activity that promotes heart health, strengthens muscles, and reduces obesity.

Environmental Benefits
Cycling is a clean and green mode of transport, which helps reduce pollution and carbon emissions.

Economic Benefits
Cycling is affordable and has low maintenance costs, making it accessible to all economic classes.

Social Benefits
Cycling promotes community and social interaction, leading to increased social interaction and cooperation.

Theme of Bicycle Day
Every year World Bicycle Day has a special theme. This year the theme of World Bicycle Day 2024 is Promoting Health, Equity, and Sustainability through Cycling.

History of Bicycle
During the 18th century, people in European countries got the idea of ​​using bicycles. After which in 1816, an artisan invented the bicycle for the first time in Paris. After the first name or invention of the bicycle, it was called a hobby horse.

In 1865, a wheel that could be pedaled with the feet was invented, which was called velocipede. Riding it was very tiring, so it was called bone-breaking. Later in 1872, it was given a beautiful shape by installing wheels made of thin iron strips and the modern bicycle came into existence

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