We all use wood in our houses. Wood is used in many places from kitchen cabinets to furniture and flooring. It looks great to see, but it is equally important to take care of it properly. With time, not only does dust and dirt accumulate in it, but sometimes its shine also fades.

This also happens because we make some minor mistakes while cleaning and taking care of it. In such a situation, the wood starts getting damaged slowly and we do not get to know about it quickly. Later we have to bear a lot of loss. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some small mistakes done while cleaning wooden items-

Avoid dusting

Whenever you clean a wooden item, you often avoid dusting. But dusting is necessary before cleaning the wood. Due to the accumulation of dust and dirt during cleaning, the chances of getting scratches on the surface increase manifold. Therefore, use a soft or microfibre cloth to remove the dust.

Using a steam cleaner

If you are using steam cleaner while cleaning wood, then understand that you are making a big mistake. As such, steam cleaners are very effective. But when you are cleaning the wood, during that time the steam can enter the wood and damage it. Hence, avoid using steam cleaners while cleaning wooden items.

Not doing regular cleaning

Wood cleaning is a task that needs to be done daily. But some people do not clean it for a long time, which makes it very difficult to clean it later. Not only that, it can potentially damage the wood over time. Hence, clean wooden items regularly.

Don’t test the cleaner

While cleaning the house, we use many types of cleaners. But using all types of cleaners on wood is not considered right. This can damage the wood. Often we do not test the cleaner before using it on wood, whereas it is very important. It's best to use the cleaner in a small area first. This helps to ensure that it will not damage the finish of the wood.

Overuse of water

Often whenever we do cleaning, we use water. But when it comes to cleaning wood, avoid using too much water. When you use more water while cleaning the wood, it increases the chances of cracking. It is better to use a wet cloth instead of soaking the wooden object. Also, dry the surface immediately after cleaning.

So now you too try to avoid these mistakes while cleaning the wooden items present in your house.

Image Credit – freepik