Infertility is fast becoming a growing disease among women. If women are not able to conceive even after having unprotected sex for a year, then understand that there is some problem in becoming a mother. Most couples become parents without treatment, but some couples have difficulty conceiving a child. To become pregnant, all stages of ovulation and fertilization must occur correctly.

Many reasons are responsible for infertility in women, such as ovulation disorders, polyps in the uterus, blockage in the fallopian tubes, and diseases like endometriosis and cancer can cause infertility in women. According to Medicover Fertility, if we talk about the symptoms of infertility in women, then the period cycle of the woman is very long, this cycle can be 35 days or more. Shortening of the period cycle can also be a symptom of infertility. Irregular periods or absence of periods are also symptoms of infertility. Some reasons are responsible for this increasing problem in women. Let us know what are the reasons responsible for increasing infertility in women.

Increasing stress increases infertility of women:
Increasing stress in women causes infertility. Women are more emotional and sensitive, so they take stress too quickly. She cares more about her responsibilities, relationships, and family, due to which she remains under stress. Stress affects the hormones of women, due to which women become victims of infertility.

How Hormonal Imbalance Causes Infertility:
Hormonal imbalance is a problem caused by stress, which can lead to problems like thyroid or PCOS. Hormonal imbalance affects the menstrual cycle of women. Due to hormonal imbalance, women's mood, skin, sexual desires and body health are also affected. Many types of research have revealed the relationship between hormones and fertility. Hormonal imbalance is the cause of infertility in women.

Bad Lifestyle Causes of Infertility:
A bad lifestyle causes infertility. Not eating on time, not having a fixed time for sleeping and waking up, and consuming junk foods in the diet push women towards infertility.

Being overweight in women can be the cause of infertility:
Women who are obese are less likely to conceive than other women. If women want to avoid infertility, then control obesity.