Do you have frequent urination?

Are you unable to sleep properly at night due to urination?

Does a slight sneeze or cough cause urine to pass out?

Has it become difficult for you to laugh as well?

So you are suffering from the problem of an overactive bladder. But do not worry because you can take the help of yoga to reduce this problem.

With increasing age, women often experience problems related to urination which is commonly known as overactive bladder. Although it is a normal part of ageing and is not considered dangerous, it can cause a lot of irritation and physical discomfort. There are a few ways to manage this condition, especially limiting your water intake at night before bed.

Causes and symptoms

Some of the symptoms of an overactive bladder include difficulty in initiating urination, withholding of urine, frequent need to urinate and frequent urination. The holistic science of yoga includes practices that may be beneficial in the prevention, management, and improvement of the condition.

The target areas in these asanas are the muscles that lie on the pelvic floor area and can be improved and strengthened with time and regular practice. Yoga Guru, Spiritual Guru, Lifestyle Coach Grand Master Aksharji is telling us about these Yogasanas.

Yoga Techniques That Can Help

When yoga postures create strength in the pelvic floor muscles, it directly or indirectly causes a reduction in pelvic tension. Reducing this pelvic tension helps in improving bladder control, which makes the process of urination easier? Not only that, but strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can also improve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate, reduce stress and improve overall health.

Practice Surya namaskar

It is very beneficial to include the practice of Surya Namaskar in your daily routine. At least 527 chakras should be a core part of your practice and along with this you can do many other asanas and include breathing techniques like Bhastrika Pranayama, Kapalbhati, AnulomVilom etc.



  • To do this, keep pelvic on the heels and bend the knees.
  • If there is any problem related to the knee then keeps a pillow on the cuffs.
  • Keep the toes pointed out and the ankles slightly apart from each other.
  • Straighten the back and place the palms on the knees, with the palms facing upwards.
  • Look ahead and hold for 10-15 seconds.

Marjari Asana with Variety

  • From tabletop position or marjari asana, slowly inhale while raising the right arm.
  • Keep it in line with the shoulder and keep it parallel to the floor.
  • Now simultaneously lift the opposite leg back up.
  • Straighten and align it with the pelvis.
  • Balance on the left palm and right knee with the head and neck in a relaxed position.
  • Stay in the posture for 10-15 seconds, exhale and repeat with the other arm and opposite leg.



  • Sit in a comfortable position of Sukhasana, ArdhaPadmasana, Vajrasana or PoornaPadmasana.
  • Keep the back straight, the shoulders relaxed, and close the eyes to focus on the breath.
  • Place the palms on the knees facing upwards (in Pratana Mudra).
  • Gently close the right nostril with the thumb.
  • Inhale in the left nostril and close it, exhale through the right nostril.
  • Then inhale from the right, closing it and exhales only from the left.
  • This forms a circle.

Kidney posture

  • The ring finger and little finger should be placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb over these fingers.
  • The other two fingers should be straight.
  • Bring light pressure on the thumb on this finger.

If you work in a desk job that requires prolonged sitting, you may need to see a doctor. Sitting for a long time continuously increases the pressure on the bladder, which leads to swelling over time. Thus make sure to take frequent breaks either to hydrate yourself or to take a brisk walk around the office floor. Staying hydrated, practising yoga and following a healthy diet can also balance the hormones in the body that can be a cause of any urinary problems.

You too can get rid of this problem by doing these yogasanas.


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