Some people like the winter season very much, but let us tell you that as soon as winter comes, the immunity of the body decreases rapidly. Due to the low immunity of the body, we fall prey to seasonal diseases. If you think that only the coming winters harm our bodies, then you are wrong. Health experts say that passing winters are equally dangerous for the body. When winters begin to pass, the weather changes rapidly. During this, special care has to be taken of children and elders. Otherwise, first of all, their health deteriorates. When winters pass, during this time the problem of phlegm starts increasing.

Use Triphala powder
If you want that your health not deteriorate during this time, then use Triphala powder in the bath water. You can apply it on the skin while taking a bath, it will remove your laziness and the body will not feel heavy. When the problem of phlegm increases, one should start avoiding heavy food. Apart from this, light foods should be included in the diet. If possible, fasting should be kept once a week. Health experts say that as the weather changes, we should include bitter and pungent vegetables in our diet. This improves body immunity and keeps seasonal diseases away.

The phlegm will go away from the steam
If more phlegm has accumulated in your body with the change of weather, then keep taking steam in between to get it out. Apart from this, you can also take a steam bath. This will help in taking out the dirt.