Holy Saturday is also called Easter Vigil. This day comes before Easter Sunday every year and
this day is very important for the people of the Christian religion. The reason behind celebrating
this day is attributed to Jesus Christ. It is said that Jesus Christ lay in his tomb on this day after
saying goodbye to the world. This is the reason why the next day of this day is also celebrated as
Holy Sunday.

What is Holy Saturday?
The Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday is celebrated as Holy Saturday. Many
Christians also observe this day as the last day of Holy Week. Holy Saturday is celebrated in
different ways in different regions of India.
Holy Saturday names
Holy Saturday is also known as the Saturday of Holy Week, Great and Holy Saturday, Great
Sabbath, Black Saturday, Magnificent Saturday and Easter Eve.x In addition, in many countries
this day is also known as the Saturday of Light.
When is Holy Saturday
This year, Holi Saturday is on 8th April. Different people of Christianity celebrate this day as
Holy Saturday, the day after Good Friday.
Celebrated in the Church too
Holy Saturday is also celebrated with great enthusiasm in the Church. It is said that praying on
this festival dispels all kinds of darkness in life. People of Christianity celebrate 7 days of this
week as a festival.

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