Many people think that by skipping breakfast they will reduce calories and lose weight. But this is not true at all. Actually, people who do not eat breakfast in the morning tend to gain weight faster than those who eat breakfast.

In this way, by not having breakfast, the metabolism of the body slows down. Also.. due to excessive hunger.. they eat more in the afternoon. This also increases the weight. That's why people who want to lose weight must have breakfast.

For those who want to lose weight, take ten to twelve curry leaves every morning on an empty stomach. It helps in fighting obesity and gives you better results. Take more and more water daily.

Drinking a glass of water before your meal can reduce your appetite and is very beneficial in the long run. This is one of the effective home remedies for obesity. You can try eating one or two raw tomatoes every morning instead of your usual breakfast.

This home remedy is very safe and proves to be effective in most cases. Make a habit of drinking 10 grams of honey mixed with warm water on an empty stomach every morning. It is very useful in the treatment of obesity.

Make vegetable soup and add black pepper to it. It not only makes your soup tasty but also helps in melting off the excess fat.