Working out... it's something that we all know is important and yet when time runs out, we tend to stop doing it first. Although we all know that this should not happen because it is very important for our health.

We know that working out reduces stress, increases happiness levels, and of course, helps control weight and fight health issues. But still, it seems impossible to find time for workouts on busy days.

Well, don't worry and be active all day long!

Yes, busy women do not have as much time to work out as they want. Women handle their household and office work very well but forget themselves in the process. This takes health back and although you already know and we understand it is difficult to find some time for the gym.

While models and famous celebs are paid to be in the gym for hours every day, the rest of us women have to balance work, school, food, relationships and fitness. this is too much! Nevertheless, it is not impossible.

By doing these 2-minute workouts, busy women can not only stay active throughout the day but can reduce both their weight and stomach. Do these exercises during the sedentary time at work or in between errands.

If you also like to work out and want to stay fit and in shape, then here is a list of 2-minute exercises that you can do from the comfort of your home. These workouts are effective and will require only 2 minutes of your time, so get started today. Fitness expert Priyanka ji is telling us about these exercises.

Air Squats 20 seconds

By doing this not only do you reduce your weight but also your body comes in shape. Along with this, the fat on the legs and thighs is also reduced.

How to do-

  • Stand straight.
  • Separate the legs away from the shoulders and keep the arms straight.
  • While doing the hips backwards, bring them down towards the ground.
  • Just like you are sitting on the chair.
  • Your hips should be below the knees.
  • Keep in mind, that during this your upper body should be straight.
  • After staying in this position for some time, come back to the normal position.
  • Repeat this exercise several times.

Front & back lunges 30 seconds

The front and back lunge is a very effective lower body exercise that helps tone and sculpts your glutes and thighs. It also improves the flexibility of the hips and increases your balance and stability.

How to do-

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Take a step forward and then slowly bend both knees until your back knee is just above the floor.
  • Stand back; take a step back with the same foot.
  • Bend both knees until your back knee is just above the floor.
  • Repeat this back and forth movement for the entire duration of the set.
  • Then switch legs.

Jumping jacks 30 seconds

By doing this, your whole body gets exercised and you can easily do it at home.

How to do-

  • To do this, first of all, keep the feet together and keep the hands straight.
  • Now open your feet by jumping to the width of the shoulder.
  • Opening the legs, move the hands above the head.
  • Now jump back to the previous position.

Mountain climber 30 seconds

This exercise can be very beneficial for reducing weight, especially belly fat. By doing this your full body workout gets done.

How to do-

  • To do this, first of all, sit down on your knees.
  • Place both hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Then straighten both the legs backwards.
  • Now get into the pushup position.
  • The width of the shoulders should be equal between both the hands and feet.
  • Now bend the knee of the right leg and bring it towards your chest.
  • Then straighten the leg by lowering the right knee.
  • When straightening the right leg, then bring the knee of your left leg towards the chest.
  • Keeping the hips straight, drive the knees in and out.
  • Do this exercise for some time.

Spot running 30 seconds

Spot running is an aerobic exercise. You can do this by standing in one place. So you can do this exercise at home. By doing this, continuously moving the muscles helps in reducing weight.

How to do-

  • To do this, raise both your hands together.
  • Then raise your knee as high as the hips.
  • Now do it with the other leg.
  • Quickly raise your right leg to hip height.
  • While doing this, move your right hand back and left hand forward and up.
  • Keep these movements going.

You too can keep yourself fit by doing these exercises for just 2 minutes.