Due to increasing weight, most of the fat is visible on the stomach and women are most troubled by the hanging fat of this part. This fat not only does not allow you to wear your favourite clothes, but it is very difficult to reduce this fat.

Although there is not much difference in the muscles of men and women, women are wider through the pelvis and have a longer waist. This can make it challenging to get flat, firm abs.

But reducing belly fat is not impossible. You may need to do a little more than just sit-ups and just commit. The best abs exercises for women target 4 muscle groups in your core-

Benefits of Abs exercise

It is important to work out to properly target and tone all 4 muscle groups. Training these core muscles will also stabilize your spine and pelvis to improve your posture and reduce or prevent back pain.

Unlike crunches or sit-ups, exercises that target the core will work more muscles and burn more calories. Complete these abdominal exercises two to three times a week for a strong core.

Expert opinion

We got to know about these exercises after seeing the Instagram of celebs fitness trainer NamrataPurohit. Sharing the video of the exercise, he wrote in the caption, 'We all have to start somewhere and these beginner abs exercises are perfect to get that abs firing and start working on perfect form! Try this remember to engage your core and keep your spine straight. Let us know in detail about how to do this through the article.

1. Ab prep

  • Ab prep is an essential exercise done in Pilates.
  • To do this, lie on your back and bend your knees.
  • Keep your arms by your side.
  • Breathe in and straighten your neck.
  • Raise the head, neck, shoulders, and arms and while exhaling focus on your knees.
  • Hold the position while inhaling and slowly return to the starting position while exhaling.

2. Dead bugs

  • The dead bug exercise is a great exercise for developing stability and core strength.
  • To do this, lie on your back and bend your knees.
  • Keep the feet straight on the ground at a distance of about one foot from your hips.
  • This will prepare you for the posture.
  • Keep your body relaxed, and keep your arms by your side.
  • Step your foot forward and your hand as far back as possible.

3. Ankle touches

  • Lie on your back and keep your arms by your side.
  • When you raise your head and shoulders a few inches off the floor, your chin should be away from your breast.
  • Next, try to reach your ankles in a short pulse and return to your starting position.
  • Try not to move the lower body, keep your hips and bones as still as possible.

4. Leg kicks on the elbow

  • To do this, lie down on the back keeping the hands on the side.
  • Try to straighten your knees as much as possible without putting pressure on the lower back.
  • Be sure to keep your core engaged.

5. Plank with knees down

  • Doing plank on the knees is challenging. When done correctly it takes the pressure off your shoulders, just like the Modified Side Plank.
  • Lie on the ground and keep the elbows just below your shoulders.
  • Using the forearms and knees, lift the body off the ground.
  • To keep the body straight, keep the thigh and abdominal muscles strong.
  • Do not let the hips drop and try to maintain a straight line with the head, neck and back.
  • Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds.
  • As you get stronger, try to stay in this position for a while.

6. Modified side plank

  • The modified side plank strengthens your core, making your muscles stronger without affecting your lower back.
  • To do this, lie down on the floor.
  • Your hand should be on the floor and the shoulder should be on top of it.
  • Keeping the lower back of the knee on the floor and the core tight, lift the body into a side plank pose.
  • Try not to raise or fall your hips.
  • Do the same with the other side.

Article & Image Credit: Instagram (@namratapurohit)