Body Detox: To stay healthy and lose weight, it is important to detox the body. When toxins start accumulating in your body, not only does the body become home to diseases, but it also makes it difficult to lose weight. For weight loss, all the toxins must be removed from the body. Although reducing obesity and detoxifying the body is important even on ordinary days, on any special occasion, if you want to look fit, then you must detoxify the body. Some changes in diet can help in body detox. Dietitian Simran Kaur is giving information about this. She is a nutritionist, yoga expert and hormone health coach.

Include green tea in your diet

To lose weight, include green tea in your diet. Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Drinking this improves metabolism and helps in weight loss. It is also very good for the skin. From reducing the fat around the stomach to detoxing the body, it has many benefits.

Include herbs in your diet

Some Ayurvedic herbs and spices present in the kitchen can also help you detoxify the body. Giloy, Moringa, garlic, cloves and many other herbs, which detoxify your body.

Exercise is important

The real meaning of detoxing the body is to remove the toxins accumulated inside the body. For this, you should also include exercise in your routine. Exercise, yoga and meditation calm the mind and through sweat, the dirt inside the body also comes out.

Drink cinnamon water

Drink cinnamon drink to reduce belly fat. Due to this, the fat accumulated around the stomach melts rapidly and the body also gets detoxified from inside. Therefore, drink cinnamon water once a day.

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