To lose weight, first of all, you should change your eating habits. If eating habits are not right, weight loss may become difficult. Almost all experts recommend drinking water for weight loss and keeping the body hydrated. Water removes toxins from the body and balances the doshas. But do you know that there is a special way of drinking water for weight loss? If you drink water in the manner suggested by experts, only then it can help you lose weight. DilrajPreet Kaur is giving this information. He is an international yoga teacher. She is also the Yoga brand ambassador of the Uttarakhand government.

Correct way of drinking water for losing weight

  • To lose weight, you do not have to drink water while standing.
  • For this, you should sit in Malasana and drink water.
  • Drink lukewarm water instead of plain or cold water.
  • Drink the water while chewing it in your mouth.
  • This means that you fill your mouth with water, then swish it around in your mouth and then drink it slowly.
  • After this do Crow Chalasana.
  • You have to do this for 3-4 minutes.
  • Then twist your legs in Malasana.
  • For this, you have to sit in Malasana.
  • You have to keep your hands on both your knees.
  • After this, first, straighten and then bend the left knee downwards and the other upward.
  • Do this 5-10 times.

Benefits of drinking water according to Ayurveda

  • According to experts, if you drink water in this way, the body can get many benefits.
  • This will relieve constipation and clean the stomach easily.
  • All the toxins will come out from the body.
  • Accumulation of toxins is the main reason for not losing weight.
  • All the three doshas present in the body will be balanced - Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
  • Eating too much fried, roasted and spicy food increases Pitta Dosha.
  • The body will remain hydrated and the skin will also remain healthy.

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