Proper nutrition is essential for good body function. Healthy eating has a special role to play in this. The emphasis is on a healthy diet rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and proteins. In general, we hear a lot about the need for vitamins C and D, but this alone is not enough. Many other types of nutrients are also needed to maintain the health of the body, Vitamin-E being one of them.

Its regular intake is considered necessary.

Vitamin-E, which has a powerful antioxidant effect, plays a special role in protecting the body from many diseases. Vitamin-E is naturally present in some foods, including seeds, nuts, some fruits and vegetables. It is considered essential to take it on a daily basis. Vitamin-E deficiency causes skin and hair problems. Let us know in which cases it is beneficial to ensure the intake of Vitamin-E and how to fulfill it?

With antioxidant properties

Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance in the accumulation of antioxidants and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body. This increases the risk of cellular damage, which can lead to many serious illnesses. Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body, so studies show that these problems can be prevented by ensuring its intake.

Prevention of heart disease

Adequate intake of vitamin E helps in controlling high blood pressure and bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This is a vitamin that reduces your risk of heart disease. Research has shown that people who meet their daily vitamin E requirements have a lower risk of heart disease. A review of 18 studies found that vitamin E supplementation was helpful in controlling blood pressure.

Beneficial to skin and hair

Vitamin-E intake is considered to be very helpful in keeping skin and hair healthy. People with skin disorders such as eczema may benefit from vitamin-E supplementation. It is a nutrient that maintains hair growth and strength. It is important to ensure regular consumption through diet. This can benefit your skin in many ways.

Sources of Vitamin E.

The daily requirement of vitamin-E can be easily met by a normal daily diet. Pumpkin with sunflower and soybean oil, almonds and peanuts, peanut butter, beets, spinach and paprika are rich in these nutrients. There are benefits to including these items in the diet.