In today's time, we all want to eat organic and healthy vegetables. The best way to do this is to prepare a vegetable garden at home. Most people do this also. They prepare a small vegetable garden on the lawn, garden area or terrace of their house. They also take proper care of it. But still, vegetables do not grow properly in their plants.

This can also happen because you make some small mistakes while preparing the vegetable garden. Due to this good vegetables do not come. So, today in this article we are telling you about some such small mistakes that people make while preparing vegetable gardens.

Soil quality is not good

Many times people start preparing vegetable gardens just like that, but they do not pay attention to the quality of the soil. If you are growing vegetables in soil that is deficient in nutrients or has poor water drainage, then your plants should be there will be lost. Therefore, never forget to test the soil before preparing a vegetable garden. To make the soil more fertile, manure etc. can be used in the soil.

Growing Heat Sensitive Plants in Containers

New gardeners think that it is easier to grow vegetables in containers than in the ground, which is simply not true. Many plants do not grow well due to containers and container-grown plants require constant water and food. The temperature of the roots in containers fluctuates daily. This does not happen with plants planted by digging deeply into the ground, where the temperature of the soil is more stable. On the other hand, peppers and eggplants may grow better in containers.

Over fertilize

Many times when we prepare a vegetable garden, we start over-fertilizing the vegetables for better growth. Are. However, you should avoid making such a mistake. Using too much fertilizer causes an imbalance of nutrients in the plant. Due to this many times the growth of the plant stops. Therefore, it would be better if you use fertilizer in limited quantities only and give preference to organic fertilizers only.

Forget to mulch

While making a vegetable garden, we plant seedlings but forget to use mulch around the plants. Mulching helps conserve soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Always use organic mulch, such as shredded leaves or bark, around plants.

Planting at the wrong time

It is very important to take special care of time while preparing a vegetable garden. If you plant too early or too late in the season, it may affect the plant's growth and yield. It would be better if you do planting according to the gardening calendar.

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