Vastu Tips For Tulsi: It is believed that planting the Tulsi plant in the house keeps all kinds of troubles and negativity away from the house. People plant Tulsi plants in the house with great love. But many people complain that even after taking special care, their basil dries up again and again. Don't ignore it at all. Because it is a very inauspicious sign.

When does basil dry
It is believed that frequent drying of Tulsi indicates that someone's evil eye has struck your house. Another sign of this can also be that someone has done witchcraft on your family. Tulsi takes this effect on itself due to which it dries up. In astrology, the Tulsi plant is said to be related to the planet Mercury. Even if there is a bad effect of Mercury on someone, the Tulsi plant starts drying up. The drying of Tulsi also indicates Pitra Dosh.

How to save basil from drying
Before bringing the Tulsi plant into the house, make sure to make a swastika mark on all the doors. This cuts off all sorcery, and your basil never dries up.

What to do with dried tulsi plant
According to astrology, it is advisable to take the dried Tulsi plant out of the house, but it should be taken out with respect. If the Tulsi plant dries up, then this plant should be picked up along with the root and immersed in a holy river, pond, lake, or holy reservoir. Keep in mind that even the dried plant of Tulsi should not be touched on Sunday.

Do not offer water to Tulsi on this day
It is believed that on Thursday the Tulsi plant should be watered with raw milk. It is said that by doing this, the moisture in Tulsi remains for a long time. Along with this, he always looks green. According to religious belief, water should not be given in Tulsi on Sunday.

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