Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in the urinary tract. This problem can happen to any person. However, this infection is more common in women and girls than in men and boys. Therefore, it becomes very important for parents to know about the symptoms of this infection in children.

According to the National Health Service (NHS), most urinary infections (UTIs) in children are caused by bacteria entering the urethra (urinary tract) from the digestive tract. An important reason for this is not cleaning the private parts properly after defecation. In the case of infants, small particles of stool-containing bacteria can enter the area and cause infection.

Symptoms of UTI in children
Crying or discomfort while urinating
Urinating on the bed due to lack of control
Fever for no apparent reason
Dark urine or foul smell
Pain in the lower abdomen
Loss of appetite or vomiting
Preventive measures
Urinate from time to time

Make children urinate at regular intervals, this will prevent bacteria from accumulating in the urinary tract.

Take care of cleanliness
You can reduce the risk of UTI by taking care of the cleanliness of the private parts of children. Especially after defecation, keep in mind that the private parts should be wiped from front to back.

Wear loose clothes
Avoid making children wear tight-fitting undergarments. Due to this, air circulation does not occur properly, which later causes UTI infection.

Drink enough water
It is very important to drink an adequate amount of water to remove body waste from the body. In such a situation, children should be given adequate fluids to protect them from urinary tract infections. Along with this, give children a balanced diet and avoid junk food.

Keep this in mind while wearing diapers
While changing the diaper, clean from front to back. Keep this in mind, especially for girls.

(PC: Freepik)