Through electricity we can do many things, there is light at night, etc. But whether it is winter or summer, a lot of electricity is cut by the electricity department. In such situations, people have to face problems. To get rid of this problem, people install inverters, so that their work does not stop even if there is a power failure. Inverters are used in homes offices and shops. But sometimes due to some of our mistakes or due to completion of time, the battery drains quickly. But if you want, you can keep some things in mind, which can make your battery last longer. So let us know what these things are. You can know about these in further detail...

To increase the life of the battery, you can keep these things in mind:-
Don't run these things

Inverter has a capacity, within which it can run things. For example, if you run a refrigerator, water heating rod, purse, or other high-power-consuming items on the inverter, then the battery of your inverter may get damaged. Therefore, never use these things even by mistake.

Take care of the water
There are two types of inverter batteries, first dry and second wet. Wet batteries are used in the inverter. In such a situation, water is required in it, because if the water is less or ends then the battery of the inverter can get damaged or die quickly.

It is the water in the inverter that can prolong the life of the battery. In such a situation, it becomes necessary that you keep checking the water in the battery from time to time and if the water is less, then add water immediately. Now water checking meters are installed on the battery, through which you get information like whether the water is low or is getting exhausted.

Terminal cleaning
You must have noticed that two wires are connected to the inverter in the battery, which works as a current supply. The place where these wires are connected is called the terminal. In such a situation, this terminal should be kept clean (remember to turn off the main switch and remove the plug while cleaning). Many times rust occurs here, due to which the current reaches the battery at a lower speed and this can increase the chances of the battery getting damaged.

(PC: Freepik)