After the recharge plans of private companies became expensive, the demand for BSNL increased. Trends are being run on social media every day to switch to BSNL. BSNL is also officially appealing to port, but an important thing here is whether there is a network in your area or not.
The best way is that before taking a SIM card from any company, definitely check whether there is a network of that company in your area or not, although people do not know the way to do this. After today's report, you will not have any problem. In this report, we will tell you how to check the network coverage of your area...
HOW to check the network coverage in your area Here is the step-by-step process
To check the network coverage of any area, first visit After this, enter India in the search bar on the left and select the company in the box next to it whose network coverage is to be checked.
To check the network coverage of any area, first visit After this, enter India in the search bar on the left and select the company in the box next to it whose network coverage you want to check.
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