In today's fast-paced life, people are so busy that many times they forget to eat or do not eat on time. Not only this, but many people do not even eat nutritious food. In such a situation, it is obvious that diseases can catch you. Therefore one must eat home-cooked food. But the question here is also whether the flour you are eating for roti is real or adulterated. Nowadays some people do not desist from adulterating flour even for a few rupees. In such a situation, it becomes important for you to find out whether the flour you are consuming is genuine or adulterated. So let us know how you can check this...

Ways to identify adulterated flour:-
First way

If you also want to know whether your flour is adulterated or not
In such a situation, you have to take a test tube.
Now you have to first pour hydrochloric acid into this test tube.
After this, you have to add some flour to it

Then all you have to do is to mix both the things and put them in the test tube by shaking them.
Now if this flour is not visible, then it may be adulterated flour.
By doing this you can know whether your flour is adulterated or not.

Second way
First of all, you have to take a glass and fill it with water, after which you have to put half a spoon of flour in this glass of water.
After this see if anything other than flour is floating in the glass or not
If anything else is floating, it may be adulterants added to the flour.

Third way
Do you want to know whether the flour you have brought from the market is adulterated or not?
So for this, you first have to take a strainer.
Then you have to put the flour on a sieve and sift it, then it will be known if there is adulteration of chalk or other things in the flour.
​(PC: iStock)