Most people do not pay attention to its color while urinating. While the color of urine is an indicator of your health. Normally its color should be light brown, but if its color changes to thick yellow or orange, then it should be understood that you have become a victim of some serious disease. In such a situation, without losing time, you should immediately contact the specialist doctor and get your check-up and treatment started. Doctors say that it is better to use a white-colored toilet bowl to check the color of urine, any abnormality in urine can be seen in it.

Amount of urine passed in a day
According to the report of 'The Sun' website, if a healthy adult person drinks more than 2 liters of water or liquid in a day, then he should pass 800 to 2 thousand milliliters of urine. Doing this is very important for his health. According to medical experts, it is normal to have slight yellowness in urine. Should not be worried about this. But if this color changes to orange (Meaning Urine Color Turning orange), then there should be no delay in consulting the doctor. According to doctors, there can be 5 major reasons behind the color of urine turning orange, which are as follows.

Food has an effect (Food)
According to doctors, whatever we eat and drink affects the color of our urine (Meaning Urine Color Turning orange). If we eat things with high beta-carotene like carrots, sweet potatoes, and apricots, then our urine can automatically turn orange. Therefore, when you pass urine, the orange-colored pigment starts getting released.

To keep the body fit, it is mandatory to drink 2 liters of water daily. If you drink less water than this, then you can become a victim of dehydration. In such a situation, the color of your urine automatically becomes thick yellow. At the same time, foam starts coming out of it, which is a sign of the presence of protein. Even after drinking excessive alcohol, the color of urine can become thick yellow and orange.

Medication in excess
According to doctors, in people who consume drugs in excess, their kidneys get affected and they reduce the filtering of liquid. Due to this, the color of urine starts changing. The drug Rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane), used in TB disease, can also turn urine red or orange color (Meaning Urine Color Turning orange). In such a situation, the doctor should be contacted immediately without delay.

Many people prefer to eat supplements instead of natural fruits and vegetables to meet the deficiency of elements like Vitamin-A, B-12, and C in the body. These supplements are made by mixing many chemicals. Many times our body is not able to absorb these artificial supplements and it reacts through orange urine. Doctors say that if the color of your urine suddenly changes, then after consulting a doctor, you must tell him about your supplements and food habits.

Liver issues
Dr. Reena Malik, a urologist and pelvic surgeon in America, says that urine color turning orange can be a sign of liver failure. In the body, this may be due to a condition called cholestasis. She says that this is a serious liver disorder, which sometimes develops during pregnancy. It starts when there is a blockage in the flow of a digestive fluid called bile between the liver and your small intestine.