Don't Do These Mistakes: Building a relationship is easy but getting to know each other before that is very difficult. Getting to know each other is very important to be in any strong relationship. If this does not happen then the relationship starts to deteriorate. Sometimes the reason for the bad relationship is your habits. A relationship starts with a proposal and if you are rejected before the proposal, what will you do? In such a situation, today we are telling which habits of boys do not like girls. In such a situation, before impressing the girl, they need to leave these habits.

1) intoxication
Often boys become addicted to cigarettes or alcohol. In such a situation, girls do not like this habit of boys and they start making distance from you. This habit of yours ends your relationship before it even starts.

2) Language
Boys have this habit that they often choosing the wrong words. Girls do not like to abusive or abusive words. In such a situation, it is necessary to choose the right language for your language.

3)Spreading dirt
If you like a girl who wants to be clean, then you have to change yourself. If you are not a person who pays attention to cleanliness, then this can become a problem.

4) Being angry

Many boys' temper is always very high, so they start quarreling with everyone. Many boys even come down to beat them. If you do this on talk, then be careful because your partner may not like this habit of yours.

5) To impose restrictions
If you want to impress a girl, then you have to pay attention to this. If you have a habit of stopping, then you have to leave this habit.