There are many places to visit in Gurgaon where you can go for a picnic with your kids. Many people want to go away from the crowd of Gurgaon, we will tell you some of the best options to roam, if you want, you can go on weekends as well. There are many fun activities here. Your kids are going to be very happy visiting this place.

AapnoGhar Resort Water Park

If you want, you can also visit Aapnoghar Resort Water Park this summer. This is the best water park in Gurugram, here you can also go for a picnic. Here you get many options to eat. In such a situation, you can go to this place on weekends with your children. Apart from this, many types of activities also happen here for the children. From chilling in this water park in Gurugram to shopping in the evening, you can enjoy many things here.

Lohagarh Farms

Lohagarh is at a distance of 15 km from Gurgaon. If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of Gurgaon, then this can prove to be the best picnic spot for you. If you are planning a picnic for a day then you can visit this place. You are going to have a lot of fun here. Along with this, if you want, you can also do fun activities like mud baths, and tubewell baths here with your child.

Camp Mustang - (Camp Mustang in Gurugram)

Camp Mustang is at a distance of 20 km from Gurgaon. If you are planning to travel with your kids, then this place can be the best spot for you.

If you want to do some activity with your kids then you can go to Camp Mustang. Here you can also enjoy capping overnight with parasailing, rocketry, and astronomy.

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