It is very important to have good harmony in the loving couple. Keep the romance alive and find some interesting ways to express it. Write love songs, surprise visits, send gifts, send them something they like. It shows that you care. Then see, the answer to your romantic feelings will come from the other side as well.Nowadays there is an era of fierce competition, it is natural to be tensed. This tension goes away very easily with romance. You forget all the problems and worries. You feel relieved.
As you spend more time with your partner, you will be able to understand them better. You will be able to read the changing mood by their gestures. For this, speed up the routine tasks, so that you can spend time with them by getting free quickly.Are you depriving yourself of the joy of romance by making excuses? This will not only deprive you of the pleasures of romance, but can also take you away from being healthy.