Many thoughts may start coming into people's minds as soon as the name of the vibrator is mentioned. Usually, people shy away from talking on this topic because it is a very personal experience. People do not like talking about self-pleasure and masturbation, but it is also true that most people do not even know about it.

No matter when you start exploring your sexuality, using sex toys is a whole different topic. These have started becoming very popular, but still, it takes a lot of time to understand how to use them. There are some tips to be kept in mind while using a vibrator or any other sex toy.

Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OBGYN) and Infertility Specialist Dr. Tanushree Pandey Padgaonkar has shared information related to this on Instagram. According to her, it is necessary to use some safety tips with the vibrator as it can also lead to problems like UTI.

Are there any benefits of using vibrators?

A study by the US Library of Medicine suggests that using a vibrator can be beneficial. Blood flow is better with vibration and this is the reason that pelvic muscles are also strong and relaxation is also more. This is the reason why pleasure is more available through vibrators.

Always buy the model of vibrator only after researching

Things related to sex toys must be researched. Choose a size and model you are comfortable with. How to use the vibrator also depends on which model you choose. So it would be better if you start your research well in advance. The more you read about it, the better it will be. First of all, know the main categories of vibrators and then go ahead thinking about your choice and self-pleasure.

Before buying a vibrator, check its material

This is very important because the vibrator will be used on your private parts. Here you also have to take care of your allergies. Are you allergic to any material, do you feel any problem with anything? If the material is vegan, will it be safe for you? You have to take care of all these things before investing in any vibrator. Something just looks good without thinking so it would not be right to buy.

Read the instructions carefully before using the vibrator

Products from different companies work differently and it is therefore important that you read the instructions carefully before using your toy. Proceeding without reading instructions can sometimes cause injury to private parts.

Make sure to clean the vibrator before and after using it.

According to DrTanushree, it is very important to take care of hygiene with the vibrator. You must clean your vibrator before and after use. Any device used in the intimate area should be perfect in terms of hygiene. If it doesn't, your vibrator could also be causing a urinary tract infection. Proceed only after reading the instruction manual for cleaning as well.

Do not share your sex toys with anyone

This is the first rule of using personal toys. You do not have to share them with anyone under any circumstances. Due to these, you can also get sexually transmitted diseases. That's why keep them private.

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