Nowadays tiles are installed in houses. Tiles work to enhance the beauty of the house. That's why the craze for tiles has increased a lot. Tiles get dirty easily. Especially the white tiles. No matter how careful one is, the tiles are bound to get stained.

How to remove stains with hydrogen peroxide

Use hydrogen peroxide to remove stains from tiles. It is a type of chemical, which is used in cleaning.

Keep in mind that does not use it without diluting it. Doing so may damage the tiles. So add hydrogen peroxide to half the water. Now put it on the stained area. Leave it for some time to be absorbed. After about 5-7 minutes wipe the tiles with a clean cloth. You will find that the stain is gone.

How to remove ink stains from tile?

If you have kids in the house, the tiles are bound to get ink stains. Children start showing artwork on the tiles themselves. The ink stain looks very useless. Ink also spills over, ruining the entire tile.

Use bleach to remove ink stains. First, add water to the bleach so that it is diluted. Now soak the clean cloth in bleach. Rub this cloth on the stain and keep it for a while.

How to remove tea stain

It is very common to spill the tea while drinking it. Tea stains also get on the tiles. Use mild detergent to clean it. Mix detergent into warm water. Now put it on the stained area. Rub the stain thoroughly with a sponge or cloth. Finally, clean the tiles.

Cylinder stain on the tile

Most of the cylinders get stained on the tiles. This stain is red. Use apple cider vinegar to clean it. Dissolve alum in water. Now add apple vinegar to it. Fill this liquid in a spray bottle. Now spray it on the stained area.

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