There are many problems when removing stains from children's clothes. Often these stubborn stains do not take the name of removal even with the help of detergent and soap, due to which children's clothes start looking old. If something similar happens to you, then from now on you do not need to take tension. Some tips can make this work very easy for you. In this article, we will tell you about this.

Why soap doesn't remove marks?

Detergent and soap are made to clean the dirt on the clothes. Whereas sketch pen stains are more stubborn and do not come off easily.


Along with cleaning teeth, you can also use toothpaste to clean ink. Keep in mind that you should not use gel-based toothpaste. Apply toothpaste with exfoliating properties on the sketch pen mark and leave it for some time after this wait for the toothpaste to dry and wash the cloth with the help of clean water. After doing this you will see that the stain has almost disappeared. Follow this process 2 times to completely remove the stain.

Baking soda solution will help

Food-grade baking soda can also help remove sketch pen marks from clothing. Take baking soda in a bowl and squeeze half a lemon in it. After this add little water and mix the paste well. Now you have to rub the paste continuously on the mark. After doing this, the mark will clear as soon as you wash the solution with clean water.

Salt, Lemon and Vinegar

Add salt and vinegar to a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the ink stain on the cloth with the help of a brush and rub it. After rubbing for some time, wash the cloth with water and put it to dry. Now the marks on your baby's clothes will be thoroughly cleaned.

Along with all these tips, you can also use alcohol to remove the stain. The ingredients in alcohol also help remove sketch pen marks.

Photo Credit: Freepik


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