You must have adopted many methods to clean the shoe rack, but sometimes due to the smell of our shoes, the shoe rack also starts to smell a lot. If you want to keep the shoe rack away from this smell, then you can follow these tips.

1. Spray the shoes

Whenever you keep shoes in the shoe rack, put tea tree oil or clove oil in the shoes and leave it for some time. Apart from this, you can also put a spray to remove the smell of shoes. To make a spray, take essential oil and add a few drops of lemon to it, then mix it properly and put it in a spray bottle. You can use it to remove the smell of shoes. This will prevent your shoe rack from smelling bad.

2. Keep the shoe rack clean

Often people do not keep the shoe rack clean due to which it starts to smell. You must clean the shoe rack once or twice a week. This also kills the bacteria and the rack does not smell bad. To clean the shoe rack, put a few drops of lemon in a bowl and then add a cup of water to it. After this pour this mixer on the sponge and clean the rack with it. Doing this will get the smell off the rack in a jiffy. Keep in mind that if the rack is wooden then you should not use water.

3. Powder will remove the smell

If there is a lot of smell despite keeping the shoe rack very high, then you should first clean all the dirt with a cotton cloth and then put the cleaning spray on the shoe rack. After the spray dries, sprinkle some old body powder on the rack and wipe off the excess powder with a cloth. With this, the smell of the rack will disappear in two minutes.

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