In India, in the name of sex education, we read the chapter on reproduction, but somewhere there is a shortage. As the human body matures, hormonal fluctuations also increase, which leads to changes in sexual desire. Many times the situation becomes such that we start a relationship without thinking. At such times you should be aware of both your body and sexual pleasure.

Before making a physical relationship for the first time, there is hesitation and fear of physical changes. In such a situation, it is very important to have the right information.

Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OBGYN), and Infertility Specialist Dr. Tanushree Pandey Padgaonkar has shared things related to this on Instagram. He has also talked about some hygiene tips that should be kept in mind during the first sexual encounter.

Pass urine before and after having a physical relationship

Along with taking care of hygiene, it is also necessary to keep the pelvic floor muscles fit. If the bladder is emptied before making sexual relations, then the muscle contraction will not be much. If this is not done, then the problem of urine leakage can also occur due to the weakness of the pelvic muscles. Also, you may have to stop midway while establishing a relationship. In addition, if this is done after making a sexual relationship, a lot of STD bacteria can be flushed out of the vaginal opening. That's why it is considered a healthy practice.

Always use protection

The most important thing is that you should not do anything without protection. It not only prevents unwanted pregnancy, but it can also help prevent sexually transmitted diseases. That's why use protection. You can also talk to your partner about other methods of contraception. Even if you are using other methods of contraception, condoms should still be used. It will also be helpful for your protection from UTIs.

Foreplay helps

Foreplay always proves helpful when there is a lack of experience. The hesitation of you and your partner can be reduced. Along with this, lubrication is also correct. Instead of being shy, you can use this time to grow closer to your partner.

Take care of lubrication

If the sexual encounter is happening for the first time, then there may be no lubrication in the vaginal opening. At such times you may need external lubrication. Without that, there can be scope for vaginal injury. Apart from this, your sexual encounter can be more painful.

Talk to your partner about your hesitation

Most people hesitate before a sexual encounter for the first time. In such a situation, many times they do not understand how the beginning was made. In many cases, even exploring your sexuality becomes difficult. If you are feeling scared or for some reason you do not feel like building a relationship, then tells your partner about it. Hesitation always leads to a bad first encounter.

If you have a little hesitation about your sexual encounter, then you can also consult a doctor first. Having sex is a very personal matter, and if you're not quite ready, it may be wise to be patient. According to DrTanushree, you should not think about unexpected expectations during the first sexual encounter. Your encounter may be different from the way it is shown on TV and movies.