Breastfeeding has a direct effect on the health of the mother and child. Breastfeeding women should take special care of their health because if there is a virus in the mother's body, then there is a lot of possibility of spreading it to the baby. If we talk about dengue, then dengue is a viral infection caused by mosquitoes. Some of the symptoms of dengue fever include vomiting, fever, severe headache, joint and muscle discomfort, skin rash and bleeding in severe cases. Should a mother breastfeed during dengue and what are the things to be kept in mind during this time? Know about this from the experts. This information is being given by Dr Naveen Prakash Gupta, Senior Consultant Neonatology, Madhukar Rainbow Children's Hospital.

Can women breastfeed during dengue fever?

  • According to experts, in most cases, mothers suffering from dengue fever can continue to breastfeed by taking proper precautions.
  • The benefits of breastfeeding balance the risk of infection.

  • However, if the mother's condition worsens and hospital admission is required, formula feeding can be given to the baby.
  • Women suffering from dengue fever should eat things that increase breast milk while breastfeeding.
  • At the same time, it is very important to drink the right amount of water and take the right diet.
  • If you are breastfeeding and develop symptoms of dengue, seek medical advice immediately.
  • Along with this, take necessary measures to protect the child from mosquito bites.

How to protect mother and child from mosquito bites

  • Use mosquito nets to avoid mosquito bites at night.
  • Wear full sleeves and full-length clothes to cover the exposed body.
  • Using DEET-free insect repellents that are safe for breastfeeding mothers and babies.
  • Keep windows and doors covered and use mosquito netting around the baby's sleeping area.
  • Research suggests that the dengue virus cannot directly pass from mother to child through breast milk. However, the virus may be present in the bloodstream of an infected mother, and mosquitoes can spread it to their young during feeding.
  • To prevent this, mothers need to take measures to protect themselves from mosquito bites.

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