Weight gain is one of the common problems of the present times. There can be many reasons for this such as lifestyle or food habits or many underlying health problems. Many times the increased weight is considered a thyroid problem. But does the thyroid cause weight gain every time? The answer is no - it is a common symptom of thyroid problems, but every time you don't need to become a victim of obesity due to this disorder.

The problem of the thyroid is increasing very fast globally. World Thyroid Day is celebrated every year on 25 May to make people aware of this and tell them about the methods of prevention. This problem can happen to a person of any age, so everyone must be aware of it and keep following the preventive measures.

Thyroid and weight gain problem
Thyroid hormone controls metabolism and problems in metabolism have an impact on weight. Weight gain is common in people with an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).

Hormones released by your thyroid gland help regulate metabolism so the body can better use food for energy. When your thyroid makes less hormone, your metabolism slows down. In such a situation, if you do not burn calories and your weight may increase.

Weight can also be reduced
Thyroid disorder can cause not only weight gain but also weight loss. Hyperthyroidism, a type of thyroid disorder in which the thyroid gland starts releasing too many hormones, can also cause you to lose a lot of weight, tremors in your hands, and a fast or irregular heartbeat. Meaning weight gain and loss can both be related to thyroid disorders.

Thyroid disorder is not the only reason for weight gain
However, to assume that thyroid disorder is the reason for weight gain or loss is also wrong. There are many other reasons for weight gain, it becomes necessary to know the right reasons and treat them. Weight gain occurs when your caloric intake is high but you are not able to burn calories through physical activity.
Genetics can also be a reason for weight gain or loss.
Weight gain or loss can also occur due to health conditions such as illness and taking medications.
Stress and lack of sleep have also been linked to weight problems.

How to prevent thyroid disorder
Health experts say, you can control weight by preventing thyroid disorders, for this some things should be kept in mind.
If you are a smoker, quit smoking.
Ensure a balanced intake of selenium and iodine in the diet.
Get regular checkups as per your doctor's advice.
If someone in your family has already had thyroid disorder, then you may also be at risk, consult a doctor about prevention.

(PC: Freepik)