Do you get a free ration from government ration shops? Actually, since the Corona period, the Government of India has provided free ration to more than 80 crore people. Under the National Food Service Act, the Government of India provides rations to the poor. In this, ration card holders can get the ration given per member from the government ration shop. At the same time, if we talk about ration cards, then it is a very important document because it is used not only for getting ration but also for many other works. But do you know that rich people can also get ration cards? Maybe not, so let's know about this. You can know about this further...

First, know how many types of ration cards are there.

If you have a ration card, then it becomes important for you to know that there are four types of ration cards. It has a blue and a yellow ration card. These are made for those people whose income is not more than Rs 6400 (in rural areas) and Rs 11850 in cities per annum.

You learned about two types of ration cards in the previous slides. In such a situation, you should also know about the third ration card. This includes pink ration cards. This card is made only for those people whose annual income is much less than the poverty line limit.

This is the ration card made for the rich

The fourth ration card is the white ration card. This card is made for those people who are financially prosperous or well-off. However, people who get this card are not given subsidized ration.

White ration cards can be used for these things:-
People who have white ration cards can use them as identity cards

Such ration cards can be used for address proof.