Hair fall is a common problem, which we all have faced at one time or the other. Many reasons can be responsible for hair loss. Generally, it is seen that when hair keeps falling continuously, people keep switching their hair products again and again. However, even this does not benefit them. This happens because your body is deficient in some nutrients, due to which the hair follicles become weak and hair starts breaking.

In such a situation, it is most important that you pay attention to your diet first. You may not realize it, but sometimes some bad eating habits can harm your health as well as your hair. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietician of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you about some such bad eating habits, due to which you may have to face the problem of hair fall-

Consuming too little protein

If you are experiencing continuous hair fall, one of the reasons could be your very low protein intake. The building block of hair is a protein called keratin. Therefore, when there is a lack of protein in the diet, you are at greater risk of hair loss. Try to include lean proteins, pulses, spinach, beans tofu etc. in your diet.

Consuming too much-processed sugar

If your diet is such that you consume too much-processed sugar, then you may have to face the problem of hair fall. This is because excess sugar can cause inflammation in the body. Due to this, hair follicles are disturbed and hair fall may occur.

Consuming High Glycemic Foods

If you eat high glycemic foods then it can also have negative effects on your hair health. This happens because high-glycemic foods easily break down into sugar. Excessive consumption of sugar will increase insulin and androgen in the body, which will affect hair health. Due to this, you may have to face the problem of hair fall.

Very low intake of zinc and iron

If you do not pay attention to the intake of iron and zinc in your diet, then you may also face the problem of excessive hair fall. Both zinc and iron help in keratin formation. Not only this, not having enough iron in your diet can reduce the supply of oxygen to the hair follicles, resulting in hair fall and thinning. Try to include seafood and red meat etc. in your diet. If you are a vegetarian then you can take beans.

Lack of fatty acids in the diet

To maintain hair health, it is also necessary to have Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. If these essential healthy fatty acids are deficient in the diet, then your hair starts becoming weak and dry. Due to this, your risk of hair breakage and fall increases to a great extent.

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