Summer Skin Care: Summer is here and with the arrival of summer, the time has also come to change the skincare routine. In summer, a layer of sweat, oil, dust and dirt also starts accumulating on the skin. In such a situation, it is necessary to take proper care of the skin. An ingredient commonly seen in summer face packs. This material is Multani Mitti. Multani Mitti can be applied on the face in different ways, but you will get to know the exact way to apply it in the summer. Learn here how to apply Multani Mitti to get rid of skin problems, improve dull skin and bring a glow to the face this season.

Multani Mitti and Tomato
If you have spots on your face or if dead skin cells appear frozen, then you can make and apply this face pack. To make this face pack, you have to mix one teaspoon of tomato juice, one teaspoon of Multani Mitti and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder along with half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder. Prepare a paste with water to make a face pack. You can wash it after keeping it on the face for 10 to 15 minutes.

Multani mitti and rose water
This is the easiest face pack of Multani Mitti. To make this face pack, take Multani Mitti as per your requirement and mix rose water in it to make a paste. Apply this prepared paste on the face and neck and wash it when it dries.

Multani Mitti and Curd
This face pack made with curd gives moisture to the skin and proves helpful in glowing. To make this face pack, make a paste by adding 3 teaspoons curd to 2 teaspoons Multani Mitti. If you need more curd, do not hesitate to use it. Apply this paste on the face for about 20 minutes and wash it. The good effect will be seen on the skin.

Multani Mitti and Honey
Combination skin people can make and apply this face pack. Along with Multani mitti, honey and lemon are also used in this face pack. Add 2 spoons of Multani mitti and a few drops of lemon juice in one spoon of honey. Now add water as required and make a paste. Your face pack is ready. It can be washed after keeping it for 15 to 20 minutes.