New Delhi Recurring Deposit: At present, everyone is thinking about investing. But for this, it is very important to invest in the right place. Because everyone wants better returns on investment. In such a situation, we are going to tell you about a great investment option. Which gives you a bumper return without any risk.

We are talking about the recurring deposit, which is the best option to invest. In the recurring deposit, the investor can deposit some part of his salary in the account. For this, the bank pays bumper interest on investment. There are a lot of banks for this which pays more than 8 percent interest on investment. Let us tell you which bank is paying the most interest on RD.

Jana Small Finance Bank

You can get RD in Jana Small Finance Bank. Banks pay interest to their ordinary customers at 7 percent on RD of 6 months to 12 months, followed by 7.50 per cent on RD of 12 months to 24 months and 7.55 per cent on RD of 24 months to 36 months. Whereas banks at the same time pay interest to their elderly customers at the rate of 7.95 percent to 8.95 percent and 8.50 percent.

Ujjivan Small Finance Bank

At the same time, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank pays interest to its customers at the rate of 8.45 percent on 1 year RD. In 80 weeks, 8.45 percent is paying interest at 8.20 percent on RD of 13 months from 1 day to 559 days.

AU Small Finance Bank

These small finance banks are giving interest to their customers at the rate of 7.50 per cent on RD of 13 months to 15 months. RD of 16 months to 18 months is paying interest at the rate of 7.50 percent. After this, RD of 25 months to 36 months is paying interest at the rate of 7.75 percent. On the other hand, banks are paying interest to the elderly class people at the rate of 8 per cent, 8 per cent, and 8.25 per cent respectively in this tenure.
