Who does not go to the service center to give his phone for repair when it gets damaged, but the only wise person is the one who wisely takes his phone to the service center. While giving the mobile at the service center, we make some mistakes which we should not do. In today's report, we will tell you what things should be kept in mind before giving the mobile to the service center.

Make a list and take it
Many times, various types of problems arise in the phone, but after going to the service center we forget them, hence make a list from home and take it to the service centers so that you do not miss the issue.

Take fixed bill
Many times service centers update the software and charge you for replacement parts. In such a situation, ask for a confirmed bill for the replacement of parts and also ask the reason for the defect.

Keep your SIM card, and memory card with you
Many times we leave the SIM card and memory card at the service center in a hurry, which is wrong. Leaving the SIM means giving the keys to the safe to the service center people.

Back up data
Before submitting the mobile to the service center, take a backup of every photo, number, and other things present in the phone. You can take backup on your other phone, laptop, hard disk, memory card Google Drive, or mobile company's cloud. Because your data from service centers can become public and can also be deleted.

Authorized Service Center
The last and most important thing is to ensure that the service center where you are going to give the phone is authorized or not, it is not the case that he has put up a fake board of the authorized center. Many times, in big markets, local service center owners put up boards of authorized service centers. So in such a situation, you can get information about the service center of the company whose phone is on its website or by calling its toll-free number.
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